Total Medals Earned: 109 (From 33 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,860 Points
Medals Earned: 3/45 (15/1,440 points)
Build the Storehouse.
Defeat a Boar.
Build the Hut.
Add an Orchard to the Farm.
Build a structure with a Blueprint.
Get the Backpack.
Build the Smelter.
Build the Farm.
Build the Market.
Build the Kitchen.
Build the Workshop.
Build the Power Plant.
Defeat a Wyrm.
Catch an Electric Eel.
Build the Dock.
Build the Laboratory.
Activate the Forge.
Now what do I do with it?
Build the Elevator.
Buy a Super Pack.
Build the Factory.
Build the Wyrm Pen.
Add a Pen to the Farm.
Cook a Pizza.
Defeat a Golem.
Mine a Diamond.
Defeat a Diode Wolf.
Activate the Synthesizer.
Read all the Logs.
Chop down a Purple Tree.
Install a full set of Cyborg gear.
Obtain a full set of dragon equipment.
Fly on a Dragon.
Capture a spirit of every element.
Hatch a Dragon from a Cocoon.
Solve the Bandit problem.
Upgrade your character with 500 or more Skill Points.
Defeat the Wyrm Queen.
Build a Boat.
Defeat the Old One.
Successfully Confront the Mirrows.
Defeat the Golemech.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/405 points)
Start playing
Defeat Fruitcake
Defeat Eggnog
Defeat Gingerbread
Save all the Pups
Beat the game without dying
Beat the game in under 6 minutes
Beat the game without healing
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/150 points)
Solve the first puzzle
Solve 10 puzzles
Solve 25 puzzles
Solve 50 puzzles
Solve all 100 puzzles
Solve 80 puzzles
Medals Earned: 5/32 (40/600 points)
Use a bomb for the first time.
Get killed with no enemies on screen.
Play 10 levels as Matt.
Kill 300 enemies in total.
Kill 1000 enemies in total.
Get a score of 500,000 in any level except survival.
Play 10 levels as Natalie.
Die with over 666 enemy bullets on screen.
Reflect over 100 bullets with a single shield.
Finish any level except Survival with over 3,000 coins.
Kill 3000 enemies in total.
Fully upgrade all stats
Get a score of 1,000,000 in any level except survival.
Play 10 levels as Lance.
Fully upgrade any stat.
Get hit 100 times in total.
Collect 100 power ups in total.
Kill 10000 enemies in total.
Play 10 levels as NoLegs.
Play 10 levels as Anna.
Kill 25 enemies instantly.
Get A ranks in 5 or more levels.
Complete all bonus levels.
Get A ranks in 15 or more levels.
Reach wave 33 in Survival without killing anything.
Beat any level between 16 and 20 without taking any damage.
Get A ranks in 20 or more levels.
Get A ranks in 10 or more levels.
Defeat the final boss and complete the standard set of 20 levels.
Beat the first 20 levels without upgrading your health.
Kill 1,000 foes in a single game of Survival.
Get A ranks in all 25 levels.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/20 points)
accidentally blow yourself up
play sandbox mode
destroy every cake
Medals Earned: 3/3 (130/130 points)
End with 100 points or more in easy mode
End with 100 points or more in normal mode
End with 100 points or more in hard mode
Medals Earned: 6/6 (30/30 points)
Enter the lab.
Learn something.
View manufacturer information.
Screw around with the settings.
Screw around with the other settings.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/80 points)
Score 500 point
Score 200 points
Score 1000 point
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/155 points)
Get your first faceful of pavement
Land a Combo of 5 or more
Land a Combo of 15 or more
Land a Combo of 25 or more
Land a Combo of 40 or more
Go 1000 meters without landing a single trick
Medals Earned: 3/11 (15/265 points)
Play the game
Beat level 1
Beat level 2
Beat level 3
Beat level 4
Beat level 5
Beat level 6
Beat level 7
Beat level 8
Beat level 9
Beat level 10